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This blog is a monument to all my sins.

In the Biblical creation myth of Genesis, Adam lived a carefree life as the first man on this good earth. He knew nothing of his beginning nor end, and placed little significance on finding out. His good Father in Heaven had taught him everything he needed to know, and had given him a bountiful, work-free existence. Then a woman came into his life; she was given the name Eve, and made Adam’s life complete. For the first time in his life did he actually feel alive, jubilee and ecstasy merged and coursed through his veins when his eyes fell into the depths of hers. To him, she became the meaning of life. And life demanded novelty.

The two scoured all over Eden with a sense of adventure. Pushing the known boundaries of their garden home each day, they discovered the wonders of the world that the good Father had created. They named the animals, swam with the fishes, and frolicked among the magnificent flora of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Eventually they stumbled upon the center of Eden, the Forbidden Tree. The good Father had told them explicitly that they were not to eat of this most magnificent tree. They were told that the Forbidden Tree contained a secret that would destroy the world he had labored six days to create. So each day that passed, Adam and Eve fell asleep wondering what that last secret was.

But one day life was bored, and partook of the fruit of the Tree. Eve summoned Adam promptly to the tree, exclaiming that a snake had talked her into it and the fruit had completely changed Eden, that everything was no longer as it seemed. Wondering what herb Eve had smoked, Adam was faced with a choice: to eat or not to eat. Fear of the good Father’s punishment was the predominate thought in his head. But slowly, a nagging, wriggling thought nudged its way into the spotlight: why? Why was the knowledge of Good and Evil so dangerous? Why did the good Father give him the world save that Tree? Why did He even make it if he didn’t want its fruit eaten?

Adam bit the fruit. And Eve was right – Eden was not how it appeared to be. Looking solemnly into each other’s eyes, they knew what they had to do. They donned pelts for warmth and abandoned the dark, cold, beast-filled and destitute wilderness that they had once called home in search of someplace more suitable to live. Adam questioned the Father to follow Eve. Man must challenge all men that came before him – to pursue life.

This blog is a testament to those who love apples.

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